10 Aralık 2008 Çarşamba

Ana arı üretme yöntemleri ve kronolojisi


Queens Rearing Methods and names in chronological order

Doolittle Method from Scientific Queen Rearing, 1846
Transferring larvae into artificial queen cups.

Alley Method from The Bee-Keeper's Handy Book I, 1883
Starting in a swarm box and cutting worker comb and attaching vertically instead of horizontally

Miller Method from A Year Among the Bees to Fifty Years Among the Bees, 1885
Cutting a new comb in a zig zag or a foundation in a zig zag and strips

Hopkins Method aka Case Method, Isaac Hopkins from the Australasian Bee Manual, 1911
Turning a comb of worker brood horizontal with larvae destroyed to make gaps between the queen cells

Smith Method from Queen Rearing Simplified, 1923
Starting cells in a "swarm box" and grafting larvae into cups

Smith's Better Queens Method 1949, Better Queens
Cutting strips of new comb with worker brood and destroying every other cell and putting it on a cell bar

Tarihlere baktığımızda yabancıların bu sorunu 1800 lü yılların sonlarında çözdüklerini görüyoruz.

[Yiğitliğin onda dokuzu kaçmakmış...]

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